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NEO2024 Innovation Award

With its NEO Innovation Award, the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion (TRK) sets standards in the promotion of future-oriented developments. Every year, it emphasizes its role as a prestigious platform for decision-makers from business and science with a topic relevant to the future. The prize is endowed with 20,000 euros and is awarded throughout Germany and across the border in Alsace.

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NEO2024 - Innovation Award of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion

Wanted: Innovations in the circular economy

The prize can be awarded to different aspects can be worthy of an award: from the recycling of materials, such as plastics and textiles, the development of biodegradable degradable or easily recyclable materials, sharing economy platforms the sharing economy, approaches to urban mining, circular construction, energy efficiency and renewable energies, through to digital technologies. energies through to digital technologies. These contribute to make the circular economy more efficient, by facilitating the tracking and repair of products and materials, optimizing the use of resources optimize the use of resources and enable new business enable new business models.

Companies, institutions and scientific establishments from all over Germany and Alsace were eligible to apply. 

Thank you for the many interesting applications. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

"Call for proposals for NEO2024 - Circular economy"

The jury

The NEO2024 Innovation Award is characterized by clear guidelines: A renowned jury from science, business and politics selects up to five finalists from the entries in a two-stage process and chooses the winner. The award ceremony will take place on December 5 at the SWR Baden-Baden media center.

The jury members are:

  • Walter Bantleon
    Managing Director of the Karlsruhe Chamber of Skilled Crafts
  • Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Rose Marie Beck
    Rector of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences
  • Mario Brandenburg, MdB
    Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Education and Research
  • Katharina Brockstedt
    Institute Director Envirobat Grand Est, Institute for Sustainable Construction at the Strasbourg School of Engineering and Architecture INSA
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth
    Vice President for Transfer and International Affairs at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
  • Alice Knorz
    Board Member, Fairantwortung gAG & Managing Director, 4L Impact Strategies GmbH
  • Sabine Mesletzsky
    Managing Director of Innovationsagentur Rheinland-Pfalz GmbH
  • Dr. Arne Rudolph
    Managing Director of the IHK Karlsruhe
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Schenkel
    Rector of DHBW Karlsruhe
  • Dr. Hannes Spieth
    Managing Director Umwelttechnik BW GmbH
  • Klaus Teizer
    Managing Director Vollack Group GmbH & Co. KG
  • Andreas Tews
    Managing Director Marketing & Sales, Nussbaum Medien

Evaluation criteria

Guiding principle with persuasive power:

We are looking for innovative solutions that are based on a strong and clearly defined central idea and can be easily communicated to a broad public.

Marketability as a priority:

Submissions should be marketable innovations with an innovative character. We focus on solutions that are not only innovative, but also demonstrate economic potential and contributeto the long-term economic strength of the region .

Social relevance and international scope:

NEO2024 aims to recognize innovations thataddress significant societal challenges and have the potential to berecognized on the international stage. These innovations should offer sustainable and smart solutions that can have aglobal impact .

The previous award winners

Here you will find an overview of the award winners since 2010

nanoshape GmbH:

Using nanostructures to combat implant infections


Virus search using image recognition and neural networks

Rosswag GmbH:

New materials for metal 3D printing

PLAFCO from the DHBW Karlsruhe:

Bio-based and sustainable replacement material for plastic packaging and products

Holo-Med from KIT:

Artificial intelligence and augmented reality-supported glasses that support surgeons in the operating room

EVA shuttle buses from VBK:

Public transport feeder system through the use of autonomous electric minibuses

Volocopter from Volocopter GmbH:

Aircraft for two passengers with purely electric drive

Phontasia from DHBW Karlsruhe:

Learn the German language playfully, both in writing and phonetically


Breast cancer early detection method using 3D ultrasound computed tomography

Frauenhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation (IOSB):

Universal interfaces for the automation of elements for integration into the production process

MeRegio from EnBW AG:

Intelligent electricity meter that recognizes when electricity is particularly cheap and then switches on appliances


Determination of hazardous substances in drinking water

SEW-Eurodrive GmbH & Co. KG:

Development of an inductive energy and data transmission system for wireless battery charging of cars and two-wheelers

Hydro-Energie Roth GmbH:

Pioneering, mobile, overflowing and underflowing waterworks

Do you have any questions?
Please feel free to contact us!
Iris Scheuermann
Project management & communication
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