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Innovation location

Bundling existing innovative forces in the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion (TRK) and utilizing synergies - find out all the important information about the innovation location.

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Joining forces to innovate

The regional innovation management of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion (TRK) is picking up speed under the umbrella of the TRK Innogator NETZ project, which was supported by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism between 2019 and 2021. The aim is to bundle the existing innovative forces in the TRK and pass them on to SMEs and other target groups in a targeted manner.

Two practical tools are at the heart of this: the TRK Innovation Atlas provides a digital overview of the region's innovation landscape. From innovation centers to cluster initiatives and networks, relevant information and contacts are easily accessible.

The Expert:innen network TRK presents renowned experts in a transparent manner. The focus is particularly on the areas of digitalization, mobility and energy. The idea behind it: To increase visibility and enable direct, personal access.

The overarching goal is clear: to bundle innovation expertise at TRK and pass it on to SMEs in a tailored manner. Innovation management acts as a catalyst for effective collaboration and supports companies in making their value chains fit for the future.

The TRK Innovation Atlas - The fast track to innovations in the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion

TRK Innovation Atlas: the new platform offers direct access to important institutions and contacts in the regional innovation landscape.Find out more about the Innovation Atlas.

Experts from TRK - expertise in our focus topics of energy, mobility and digitalization

The Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion is home to renowned and well-known experts in various specialist fields. In order to make them more visible nationally and internationally and to facilitate better access, TRK GmbH has set up a network of experts.

TRK Innovator Day

At the Innogator Day of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion on October 26, 2021, top-class experts explained via livestream what successful companies need to consider when developing innovation.

In addition to exciting practical examples, there was a stimulating impulse from Johann Söder, COO at the host SEW-EURODRIVE in the Graben-Neudorf customer center.

Where medium-sized companies can find suitable networks that support them in innovating was also shown by the Innogator Day: TRKInnovation Atlas makes the region's innovation actors visible on

Did you miss the event? –No problem.

On the YouTube channel of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion you can find the video recording of the TRK Innogator Day from October 26, 2021.

The TetRRIS project (Completed)

The TetRRIS (Territorial Responsible Research and Innovation and Smart Specialization) project pursues the idea of responsible research and innovation (RRI) and smart specialization. These concepts have their origins in research policy discussions in Europe and Germany and have been adopted by the EU Commission as guidelines for the H2020 funding programme.

TetRRIS aims to develop RRI-related pilot initiatives in four European regions, including the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion. The pilot regions are to generate findings and best practices for different political and economic contexts.

The project comprises nine partners from six European countries, including Finland, Spain, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands and Belgium. The Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion is actively involved in TetRRIS, particularly in the area of mobility, in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI.

The activities of TetRRIS include the analysis of existing innovation and development activities in the region, the identification of success factors and barriers, the joint identification of needs for RRIs as well as the development of concrete pilot initiatives. Workshops and meetings promote exchange and networking between the pilot regions.

The TetRRIS project draws on modern theories of the innovation system and systemic and organizational change.

For more information on the TetRRIS project and its partners, see

TRK Practitioner Network for Citizen and Stakeholder Participation

The integration of citizens and stakeholders in the decision-making processes of technology development is considered essential. Although some local practitioners have considerable knowledge and experience in this area, the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion currently lacks structured opportunities to exchange and further develop this know-how. Practitioners from different sectors, including business, administration and research, tend to "reinvent the wheel" in citizen and/or stakeholder participation processes.

To counteract this phenomenon, the tetRRIS team in Karlsruhe has set up a "Practitioner Network for Citizen and Stakeholder Participation" as part of the EU project. The network provides a safe space for practitioners to share their experiences, including challenges and failures. External speakers are invited to present relevant topics and develop guidelines and manuals. This network aims to institutionalize Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in the region to make high-quality public engagement a standard in the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion.

Workshop series of the Praktiker:innen-Netzwerk:

  1. Successful project communication between marketing, co-creation and technology acceptance: the example of efeuCampus
  2. Participation in practice - objectives, challenges and formats
  3. "But not with me!" Conflict resolution for spatial innovations and large-scale technical facilities: experiences and recommendations from practice
  4. RegioWIN cross-project communication concept for the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion

High Level Forum

The High Level Forum (HLF), the annual meeting of the HLF network, is a three-day event dedicated to promoting innovation. Since its launch in 2012 in Grenoble, France, the summit has been held every two years, alternating between Grenoble and one of the HLF member ecosystems. One of these members is TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe GmbH.

The delegations from the international ecosystems are made up of a balance of key players and decision-makers representing the triple helix of government, higher education, research, industry and business. What they have in common is a willingness to foster cross-sector relationships - be it between public and private, start-ups and large corporations, or research and industry. The annual summit provides an opportunity for innovation ecosystems to interact, share knowledge and deepen connections with experts from different sectors worldwide.

High Level Forum on "How local & regional innovation ecosystems support 2030 global objectives"
High Level Forum 2022 in Tampere, Finland
Do you have any questions?
Please feel free to contact us!
Dr. Petra Jung-Erceg
Strategy development coordinator
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Further topics
KULT award ceremony
The Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion (TRK) honors original projects and productions with the Culture Prize every two years. On this page you can find out all the details about the KULT Prize from TRK.
NEO Innovation Award
Every year, the NEO Innovation Award of TRK emphasizes its role as a prestigious platform for decision-makers from business and science with a topic relevant to the future.
Companies in the region
The Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion is characterized by its role as a location for global companies, innovation leaders and medium-sized market leaders. Globally active companies have settled in this dynamic region and are at the forefront of their industries.