Companies in the TRK

The strong network of local global players, SMEs and start-ups offers a particularly exciting entrepreneurial environment in the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion (TRK) and strengthens the business location.

On this page:

From start-up to global player

The Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion is characterized by its role as a location for global companies, innovation leaders and medium-sized market leaders. Globally active companies have settled in this dynamic region and are at the forefront of their industries.

At the same time, it is home to innovation leaders who make a significant contribution through pioneering technologies and research. The SME sector, as the driving force of the economy, consists of market leaders that operate successfully in their niches and contribute to the stability and diversity of the region. 

The strong network - together with renowned institutions from research and education - creates profitable synergies in the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion and contributes to the joint projects and initiatives within the future-oriented core competencies

Find out more about our shareholders:

Economic development agencies

The business development agencies of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion (TRK) are essential partners for companies, investors and institutions. Their tasks include support with business start-ups, administrative and approval processes and the promotion of company development. They offer a wide range of support, from finding a location to arranging network partners.

Are you interested in the location TRK? The regional economic development agencies are your point of contact. They provide information on development sites, land costs, rents, leases and support with spatial development opportunities.

Tasks of the economic development agencies at a glance:

  • Support for business start-ups
  • Help with the location search
  • Information on the commercial real estate market
  • Answering economic and administrative questions
  • Advice on funding and financing issues
  • Promotion of knowledge and technology transfer
  • Support in securing skilled workers
  • Marketing the location in new target markets
  • Support with market access
  • Supply of the districts
  • Location marketing

The business development agencies are your central point of contact with extensive experience and direct connections to relevant institutions.

The TRK team will be happy to help you get in touch with the regional business development agencies. Get in touch with us!

Do you have any questions?
Please feel free to contact us!
Jochen Ehlgötz
Managing Director
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Further topics
At EXPO REAL, the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion (TRK) presents itself as a progressive and sustainable region. With innovative planning and construction methods as well as efficient software solutions for the real estate industry, the partner network of TRK underlines its leading role.
The limited liability company
Our common goal in TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe GmbH is to sustainably strengthen a leading economic and innovation region as well as a technology region characterized by science and innovation.
The TRK as a business location
A convincing location: join this dynamic ecosystem and become part of the innovation movement in the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion. The future is being created here - together.