TRK - a strong business location

A convincing location: In the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion (TRK), excellently trained specialists, good infrastructure, first-class educational institutions and a network of committed business promoters come together - and thus form the basis for healthy economic power.

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What characterizes the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion?

Join this dynamic ecosystem and become part of the innovation movement in the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion. The future is being created here - together.

Mit einer Fläche von 5.900 Quadratkilometern und rund 1,63 Millionen Einwohner:innen zählt die TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe zu den wirtschafts- und innovationsstärksten Regionen in Europa. Die TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe wird gestaltet durch ihr regionales, bundesländerübergreifendes und transnationales Aktionsbündnis: Unternehmen, Kammern, Wissenschaftseinrichtungen und Kommunen arbeiten gemeinsam an der Weiterentwicklung der Region. Diese zeichnet sich nicht nur durch eine führende Wirtschafts- und Innovationsposition aus, sondern bietet auch eine gesunde Mischung aus internationalen Konzernen, KMU und Start-ups, sowie einen ausgewogenen Branchenmix, insbesondere in den Schlüsselthemen Bioökonomie, Energie, Digitalisierung und Mobilität

This network of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion bundles competencies and resources, creates transparency and a platform to increase competitiveness on a regional, national and international level.

7 good reasons for the TRK
  • Powerful global players
  • Innovative SMEs
  • Top location in the IT sector
  • Leading location in research & development
  • Top-ranking colleges & universities
  • Cross-thematic collaboration
  • TRK Innogator network - a hub for
    innovation players

Economic development

The network of business development agencies in the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion (TRK) are key partners for companies, investors and institutions. As a central point of contact, they offer comprehensive support, from business start-ups to location searches, referrals to network partners and answers to business and administrative questions. With their many years of experience and direct connections to relevant institutions, the economic development agencies are your key local authority. Find out more about the economy at TRK.

Companies in the region

In addition to SMEs and innovative start-ups, the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion is also home to an above-average number of global players.


TRK is characterized above all by research in the STEM disciplines. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), for example, is one of the world's largest research institutions with outstanding international potential in the natural sciences and engineering. 


The many educational opportunities and the subsequent retention of graduates in the region make TRK a strong business location and prevent a shortage of skilled workers and managers. This makes investing in educational institutions particularly profitable for companies.

Culture and leisure

Thanks to its unique geographical location and cultural offerings, TRK offers a very high quality of life. Last but not least, the region is characterized by its variety of leisure activities and the large number of clubs.

Downloads and videos

"Information flyer for craftsmen parking permit TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe" (3 MB, PDF)
"Economic review for the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion"
"Regional Development Strategy Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion 2030" (1 MB, PDF)
"Stratégie de développement régional TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe 2030" (2 MB, PDF)
Do you have any questions?
Please feel free to contact us!
Jochen Ehlgötz
Managing Director