Die nächste IT-TRANS findet vom 3. bis zum 5. März 2026 in der Messe Karlsruhe statt. Der Weltverband für öffentliches Verkehrswesen UITP wird Sessions zu relevanten Branchenthemen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Digitalisierung und ÖPV beisteuern, während die Messe Karlsruhe als alleinige Veranstalterin agiert.
Das Karlsruhe Mobility Lab präsentierte sich vom 14. bis 16. Mai 2024 auf der IT-TRANS in der Messe Karlsruhe
Exhibitors and participants from all over the world once again made IT-TRANS 2024, the leading international trade fair and conference for intelligent solutions in public transport, a global showcase and benchmark for digitalization in transport at Messe Karlsruhe. For three days, around 250 exhibitors from 30 countries showcased solutions that will make the mobility of tomorrow more attractive, efficient and sustainable.
IT-TRANS 2024 was opened by a visit from the Federal Minister for Digital Affairs and Transport, Dr. Volker Wissing, the Baden-Württemberg Minister of Transport, Winfried Hermann, and a keynote speech on artificial intelligence (AI) by the globally recognized tech pioneer and AI scientist Inma Martinez. The opening was thus emblematic of the technological quantum leaps that have advanced the transport sector in recent years - and of the fact that the transport revolution can only succeed if research, politics, companies and transport operators pull together.
With this in mind, the Karlsruhe Mobility Lab and its stand partners presented innovations from the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion: The joint stand focused in particular on current research and development projects by local players.
Partner of the Karlsruhe Mobility Lab at IT-TRANS 2024
In addition to TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe GmbH, these are: Automotive Engineering Network e.V. (AEN), German Center for Future Mobility (DZM), FZI Research Center for Information Technology, INIT Group, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) with the Innovation Campus Mobility of the Future (ICM), the KAMO: Karlsruhe Mobility High Performance Center and the KIT Center Mobility Systems, Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund (KVV) with Albtal-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft mbH (AVG) and Verkehrsbetriebe Karlsruhe (VBK), Messe Karlsruhe, PTV Planung Transport Verkehr GmbH, Tiefbauamt der Stadt Karlsruhe, TransportTechnologie-Consult Karlsruhe GmbH (TTK) and UITP Regional Training Centre Karlsruhe.Karlsruhe Mobility Lab: A center for pioneering mobility development
Several visitor groups visited the Karlsruhe Mobility Lab during their tours of the trade fair and learned about the projects and exhibitors from the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion. The VIP tour was a guest on Tuesday and the IHK Technology Committee and thePassenger Tour of the Karlsruhe Transport Association were welcomed at the stand on Wednesday.
On the first day, representatives from the FZI Research Center for Information Technology, Fraunhofer IOSB, PTV Group, raummobil GmbH and TTK TransportTechnologie-Consult GmbH presented their exciting mobility projects to an interested audience. Petra Bender from the Welcome Center TRK and Christina Merkel-Reif from init SE gave tips on attracting and retaining international specialists.
During the pitches for the FutureMobilityAward2024, innovative ideas from international teams were presented live at the stand and discussed with the jury in Q&A sessions. The award ceremony took place at the regional conference Mobilitätswende on June 4th in Wiesloch!
Jochen Ehlgötz moderated an exciting MarketUpdateForum in which current solutions for seamless and integrative public transportation from the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion were presented.
The DZM presented various fascinating projects from the research network, including the C2CBridge project and other exciting developments.
The presentation of the KARL project for the development of digital assistance for control centers by Jochen Wendel from the INIT Group was a great success. This was followed by an interesting report on the autonomous driving test field by Marc René Zofka from the FZI Research Center for Information Technology.
Maria Smirnova from the Spatial Development Agency in Vinnytsia Ukraine presented a completely new and important perspective on mobility: Urban and mobility planning during wartime. The mobility of Karlsruhe's newest partner city opened the Nakopa project, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), with a presentation on urban planning and public transport in the center of Vinnytsia.
Sven Ochs from the FZI Research Center for Information Technology presented the specially developed automated driving function, which is already being used in the FZIShuttle and CoCarNextGen. To see the theory live in practice, visitors were able to enjoy a ride on the autonomous shuttle after the presentation.
TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe GmbH
Emmy-Noether-Str. 11
76131 Karlsruhe
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