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KULT - The Culture Prize of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion

Every two years, the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion (TRK) honors original projects and productions with the Culture Prize .

On this page:

Information on the invitation to tender

Until October 13, 2024, institutions or artists from the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion can each uploadtwo photos of artworks on the theme of "Freedom Art" . Further information on the application process can be found in the following call for entries.

Call for proposals KULT2024 DE/FR (2 MB, PDF)
Conditions of participation KULT2024 (1 MB, PDF)

Application for the KULT2024 - Art of Freedom

Applications can be submitted digitally in German or French until October 13, 2024. You can use the save function to revise your application before sending it. For technical challenges, please get in touch with the contact below.

We look forward to receiving your application!

"*" indicates required fields

Your name / Prénom Last name / Nom de famille*
Your address / Votre Adresse*

Number of characters max. 500 / Nombre de caractères max. 500
Artist/ Artiste*
Accepted data types: jpg, png, tiff, Max. File size: 10 MB.
Upload (file format: JPG, PNG or TIFF, 300 dpi, file name = title + artist age + first letter of first name and surname) Example: Die Große Freiheit_36_VB.tif | Télécharger (Format de fichier : JPG, PNG ou TIFF, 300 dpi, Nom de fichier = titre + Âge de l'artiste + Initiales du prénom et du nom de famille) Exemple : La Grande Liberté_36_VB.tif

Number of characters max. 500 / Nombre de caractères max. 500
Artist/ Artiste
Accepted data types: jpg, png, tiff, Max. File size: 10 MB.
Upload (file format: JPG, PNG or TIFF, 300 dpi, file name = title + artist age + first letter of first name and surname) Example: Die Große Freiheit_36_VB.tif | Télécharger (Format de fichier : JPG, PNG ou TIFF, 300 dpi, Nom de fichier = titre + Âge de l'artiste + Initiales du prénom et du nom de famille) Exemple : La Grande Liberté_36_VB.tif

Past prize winners and award ceremonies

You can find everything about the previous award winners and KULT award ceremonies here KULT Award Ceremony | Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion

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"*" indicates required fields


Further topics
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KULT award ceremony
The Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion (TRK) honors original projects and productions with the Culture Prize every two years. On this page you can find out all the details about the KULT Prize from TRK.
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