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KULT award ceremony

The Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion (TRK) honors original projects and productions with the Culture Prize every two years. On this page you can find out all the details about the KULT Prize from TRK.

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The culture prize honors four amateur theaters

The Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion, a leading center for innovation and business, together with the KulturRegion, awarded the KULT2022 prize to outstanding amateur theaters at the renowned Karlsruhe Chamber Theater on December 17, 2022. This underlines the region's commitment to promoting creativity and culture, creating a vibrant and dynamic environment for companies and investors.

Dr. Frank Mentrup, Lord Mayor of the City of Karlsruhe and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe, emphasized the region's role in promoting sustainable initiatives. The energy strategy and the newly introduced bioeconomy initiative serve as examples of the efforts of TRKto combine economic growth with responsible action. Mayor Dr. Albert Käuflein, Chairman of KulturRegion Karlsruhe, emphasized that sustainability is also playing an increasingly important role in the cultural sector, which distinguishes the region as a future-oriented and environmentally conscious location.

Past events

In this overview we have summarized the past KULT award ceremonies.

The Selbach Music Society wins the KULT2020 cultural prize from the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion with its innovative concept. The prize, broadcast via live stream, honors voluntary cultural work and looks for ideas to attract members and audiences. The Selbach Music Association won the award with its "Musikantenscheune", an interactive video concept that involves musicians in a variety of roles. At the virtual award ceremony, Dr. Frank Mentrup, Lord Mayor of Karlsruhe, praised the creativity and importance of voluntary cultural work, especially in light of the current challenges.

Winners of KULT2018 "Monument treasures wanted" honored in Karlsruhe-Durlach. The cultural prize of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion honors voluntary commitment to monument protection and mediation. The winners were Forum Gernsbacher Zehntscheuern e. V. (1st place), Verein Kulturerbe Schwarzwaldhochstraße e. V. (2nd place), Historischer Verein Rastatt e. V. (3rd place) and Brahmsgesellschaft Baden-Baden e. V. (special prize). Dr. Frank Mentrup emphasized the importance of voluntary work for the protection of historical monuments and the preservation of cultural heritage.


"Documentation KULT2020" (2 MB, PDF)
"Documentation KULT2018" (1 MB, PDF)
Do you have any questions?
Please feel free to contact us!
Jochen Ehlgötz
Managing Director
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Further topics
Culture & Leisure
TRK offers visitors a wide range of art, culture, sport and entertainment to discover and enjoy. For residents, this makes for a special quality of life.
The Welcome Center
Accompanying international professionals and young talents on their first steps in TRK and successfully integrating them in the long term - that is the mission of the Welcome Center TRK.
Companies in the region
The Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion is characterized by its role as a location for global companies, innovation leaders and medium-sized market leaders. Globally active companies have settled in this dynamic region and are at the forefront of their industries.