Making contacts, getting to know cultures and arriving in the region - the Welcome Center at TRK offers international professionals numerous events to help them make connections - both professionally and privately. Find out more about the networking opportunities and our events.
Rückblick: International Come Together Special – Ein Abend der Kultur und sozialen Integration
Am 22. November 2024 lud das Welcome Center der TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe zu einem besonderen International Come Together Special ein: einem exklusiven Ballettabend im Badischen Staatstheater Karlsruhe. Diese Veranstaltung war ein weiteres Highlight der seit 2021 bestehenden Kooperation zwischen dem Welcome Center und dem Badischen Staatstheater, die das Ziel verfolgt, internationale Fachkräfte in Karlsruhe willkommen zu heißen und ihre soziale Integration zu fördern.
Im Rahmen dieser Initiative werden zweimal jährlich kulturelle Veranstaltungen organisiert, die internationale Newcomer und Netzwerkpartner zusammenbringen. So sollen nicht nur Verbindungen gestärkt, sondern auch die Willkommenskultur der Region erlebbar gemacht werden. Dieses Mal erlebten die Teilnehmenden die mitreißende Ballettaufführung »LEUCHTFEUER« mit Choreografien von Raimondo Rebeck, Kristina Paulin und Mauro Bigonzetti. Das Stück berührte durch seine eindrucksvolle Inszenierung und wurde von den rund 50 internationalen Fachkräften und Netzwerkpartnern begeistert aufgenommen.
Der Abend begann mit einem Empfang, der Raum für Austausch und interkulturelles Networking bot. Im Anschluss an die künstlerischen Darbietungen wurde deutlich, wie wichtig solche Begegnungen für die soziale Integration und das Zugehörigkeitsgefühl der internationalen Community sind. Sie fördern nicht nur den interkulturellen Dialog, sondern tragen auch dazu bei, dass Fachkräfte sich in der TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe zu Hause fühlen.
Das Welcome Center dankt dem Badischen Staatstheater für die langjährige Zusammenarbeit und allen Gästen, die den Abend zu einem besonderen Erlebnis gemacht haben. Wir freuen uns darauf, diese erfolgreiche Kooperation in Zukunft fortzusetzen und weiterhin kulturelle Brücken zu bauen, die die Region bereichern.
In the company - for companies Finding & promoting (international) skilled workers 25.09.2024
Wednesday, 25.09.2024| 6 - 8 pm TUP GmbH & Co. KG, Fraunhoferstraße 1, 76297 Stutensee
18:00 Welcome
Mathias Thomas, TUP GmbH & Co. KG
Petra Becker, Mayor of the City of Stutensee
Bertram Hornung, Trade Association Stutensee e.V.
18:15 Finding and retaining international skilled workers
Sinéad O'Brien, Welcome Center TRK
18:30 Qualification opportunities for your employees
Employee development Jörn Kneiding, Karlsruhe-Rastatt Employment Agency
18:50 Discussion round: Examples from practice
Christina Merkel-Reif, init SE
Marcella Klump, Volocopter GmbH
Edelbert Krämer, Krämer Erdwärme GmbH
Moderation: Monika Stahl, Welcome Center TRK
19:30 Networking & Snacks
20:00 Closing
Please register by e-mail to [email protected].
Cross-border employment between Germany and France. Social and tax regulations 10.10.2024
Thursday, 10.10.2024, 4 - 6 p.m.
Eurodistrict PAMINA, 2 Rue du Général Mittelhauser, 67630 Lauterbourg
Bilingual event in French and German!
Target group:
Managing directors, HR managers, executives, interested parties from companies in the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion and its neighboring regions.
16.00 Welcome
16:05 Collectivité européenne d'Alsace
16:10 Welcoming skilled workers to the region
Petra Bender, Welcome Center TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe
16:20 Definition of "cross-border worker" - regulations in social and tax law
Sylvia Müller-Wolff, EURES-T
17:10 Practical help - forms & applications
Claudia Hitier, Philipp Geisberger, BARMER
17:25 INFOBEST PAMINA: Information
Stéphanie Roser & Denise Loewenkamp
17:40 Best Practice
Jonathan Scherrer, Sofitex GmbH
18.00 Networking & Snacks
Please register by e-mail to [email protected].
Welcome Guide Training 2024
Module 1, June 26, 2024, 5 - 8 p.m.
Module 2, July 10, 2024, 5 - 8 p.m.
Please complete the registration form and send it to [email protected]. We will contact you afterwards.
Thursday, 14.11.2024| 2 - 5 pm,
Rosenbauer Karlsruhe GmbH, Carl-Metz-Str. 9, 76185 Karlsruhe
The topic of "Finding and retaining international specialists" often raises many questions for HR managers and HR employees in a company. In order to provide support and make things easier, we invite you to the next meeting of the HR network "International specialists for TRK".
14.00 Welcome & round of introductions
14.30 Uhr Rosenbauer Karlsruhe GmbH & Internationale Fachkräfte
Alexander Pflüger, Head of HR, Rosenbauer Karlsruhe GmbH
14.45 Uhr Auszubildende aus Kenia
Franco Zipperling, Rosenbauer Karlsruhe GmbH
15.00 Break & exchange
15.30 Uhr Vorstellung weiterer Rekrutierungsprojekte & Wege, um internationale Fach-
kräfte zu finden
Monika Stahl, Sinéad O’Brien, Welcome Center TRK
16.00 Uhr Was bewegt Sie aktuell als Personalverantwortliche im Firmenalltag bzgl.
Gewinnung & Bindung internationaler Fachkräfte?
Offene Fragen, Anmerkungen, Austausch
16.30 Uhr Betriebsbesichtigung – optional
17.00 End
The network meets twice a year and enables personnel managers / HR employees from companies within the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion to meet:
We would be very pleased if you would have the time and interest to participate in this group again or for the first time and ask you to register at [email protected]
An offer especially for partners of your international employees
Language: English
If you not only want to attract international specialists, but also retain them in the long term, it is a good idea to consider the career prospects for the accompanying partner.
Our workshop offer is aimed at partners of international skilled workers who would like to develop and realize their own career prospects in the region. We provide information about the regional job market and explain the special features that need to be considered when applying for a job in Germany. The development of application strategies, exchange of experience, networking and advice make the offer an ideal starting point for a successful start in the TKR.
For this workshop we were able to win Meike von Platen-Holzapfel, an experienced dual career specialist. Meike von Platen-Holzapfel is HR Manager at BASF SE, Career Coach (ICF certified) and intercultural trainer. Responsible for the welcoming culture at BASF's headquarters for many years, she has played a key role in enabling numerous partners of international specialists and managers to successfully continue their own professional careers in Germany.
Please contact: [email protected]
"Finally a professional appointment just for me again, outside my husband's circle of acquaintances, was so good! I have new motivation to apply for jobs in the region!"
Dual Career Workshop participant
Networking, meeting new people and making connections - the International Come Together is a place for encounters. Especially in the early days, it is important to make contacts - both professionally and privately. The Welcome Center TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe invites international professionals and students as well as interested parties from the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion (TRK) to the meetings.
In addition to the International Come Together, we and our partner network in the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion (TRK) offer you further events.
The Internationale Begegnungszentrum Karlsruhe e.V. (ibz) offers a wide-ranging cultural program and is characterized by a variety of integration-promoting offers and projects. The ibz was founded in 1995 following a decision by the Karlsruhe City Council to actively combat xenophobia and right-wing extremism.
Through information events and cross-cultural encounters, the ibz actively contributes to the reduction of prejudices and a better understanding between Karlsruhe residents from all over the world.
We want to help people who are new to Karlsruhe to find their way around more quickly and soon find a home here.
The alliance AniKA - Arriving in Karlsruhe offers initial information and initial orientation from a single source on this exchange platform. It aims to help you feel welcome in Karlsruhe through advice, networking and support. The calendar of events shows offers for internationals in the region, here is a selection:
SprechPunkt is a free service for practicing the German language. Groups are formed according to language level and accompanied by volunteer facilitators. The evenings take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18:30 to 20:00. Registration is not required.
The "Freunde für Fremde" association at the ibz offers language courses for refugees and asylum seekers. They learn German in small groups under the guidance of volunteers.
Welcome Center TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe
TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe GmbH
Emmy-Noether-Str. 11
76131 Karlsruhe